Sundays: What to expect

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. -Matthew 18:20

come as you are

We look forward to welcoming you on Sundays at our 10am service. You can also join our livestream on YouTube.
Our physical address:
15 Swart La., Saugerties, NY 12477

How long is the service?

We know you’re busy and your time is valuable, so we start on time and service lasts about one hour.

What should I wear?

Whatever is comfortable!  You may see some people in more formal attire, and others in jeans and t-shirts.  We are generally pretty casual, but come as you are!

Where should I park?

There are no reserved parking spaces, except the accessible parking spaces for those with disabilities and there is a dedicated parking lot with plenty of spaces close to the building.

Where should I go once inside?

As you approach the main entrance, you’ll be greeted by one of our friendly volunteer staff members who can answer any questions you might have, and will have a gift for you to thank you for joining us!

Where should I sit?

Sit anywhere you feel comfortable. We have plenty of room, but if you would like assistance, please see one of our volunteers at the door.

What kind of a “feel” should I expect?

We hope you’ll feel welcome and like part of the family!  Please feel free to say hi to those sitting near you, or stay for fellowship and conversation following the service in the cafe.


Visit our cafe just outside of our main sanctuary and help yourself to coffee, bagels and other light refreshments!

What kind of music do you play?

Our worship team plays contemporary worship music. They generally play three songs and set the tone for the message and service.